EBSCO Mobile App is a mobile application enabling all UnieCampus students to have continuous access to the contents of the University Library, bringing up among the search results not only the contents of the library's EBSCO subscriptions, but also those of its other digital collections.
Therefore, the EBSCO Mobile App expands the range of our library, making research quickly available through an easy-to-use interface for students and professors.
- Stay organized with cross-device synchronization.
You can resume your search from any stage of the process, search for articles on the go, use sharing tools, and save articles synchronously on mobile devices and on desktop.
- Read or listen anytime, anywhere
Read or listen anytime, anywhere. Users can read or listen to content, access external full-text content, view it in PDF and HTML, and download and read the EBSCO eBooks.
- Discover new content based on previous activities
Users can access new content on their areas of interest through the Discover Recent Subjects feature, which is dynamically generated based on previous activity.
- Access to the library
Thanks to the integrated feature “Trova Istituto”, student, professors and researchers of the University may access using the same credentials of the SSO, by selecting “Università Telematica eCampus” from the drop-down list.
- There is no need to log in every single time.
After the first authentication, there is no need to repeat the procedure in the following sessions. This feature allows the students to save time.