Information Science for Security

Academic Master - 2nd level



The 2nd level Academic Master in "Information Science for Security", developed in an interdisciplinar key, is to enable the candidates to acquire an adequate preparation for the purpose of enhancing their knowledge on themes of national interest in all its declinations, so as to optimally face the changes dictated by globalization and transnational threats.

The aim of the Master is to train professionals to manage critical and operational situations, providing the tools needed to mitigate and manage risks in security and intelligence- related activities.

The scientific relevance and the objective of the Master is to train highly professional figures, such as Security Managers and Intelligence Analysts, responsible for operating in private businesses and public structures.



The Master is aimed at:

  • State officials (Armed Forces; Police Forces; Council Presidency and Ministries; Parliament);
  • Business operators, with particular reference to critical infrastructure (telecommunications, energy, transportation, financial networks, etc.) and the defense and aerospace sectors;
  • Financial and import-export operators;
  • Scholars and analysts of geopolitics;
  • Mass media practitioners;
  • Private security sector practitioners;
  • Academic researchers and scholars and scientific research;
  • Candidates with a strong motivational drive who wish to acquire adequate knowledge in the subjects covered.




Upon attainment of this Master, the students may aspire to the following Professional Careers:

1)     the various figures in the management of corporate security, public administration, law enforcement, strategic public and private companies operating in different fields of the national economy;

2)     officials of regional, provincial and municipal governments, operators of strategic enterprises, defense industry workers;

3)     professionals specialized in the field of security and design of security plans in national and international territory and in risk contexts;

4)     public and private workers operating within the framework of security and design of safety plans in national and international territory

5)     executives and managers employed in Authorities and National Agencies, as well as structures and/or companies controlled and/or participated by the public administration;

6)     Regional, Provincial and Municipal Public Administration Officers, workers in strategic enterprises and critical infrastructure, workers in the armaments industry and corporate security officers

7)     specialists and scholars in domestic and foreign policy, diplomacy, international relations, geopolitics, strategic affairs and European studies, national security and combating transnational organized crime, and anti-money laundering.



Master or Specialist Degree attained pursuant to D. M. 509/99. Te participation in the Master is inconsistent with the registration to other masters, Degree Courses, Research Doctorates and Specialization Schools.



The master has an annual duration, for a total of 1500 hours. The implementation modality is full online through the online academic platform, which is accessible 24 hours a day. Upon successful completion of all the exams provided for the course, the candidates are required to write a final dissertation.





Professor of International law and security regulations. Member of the Advisory Board of the European Intelligence Academy in Athens, Greece. In the2014-2017 period, he worked as an Official of the Italian Republic, in Uzbekistan. In the 14th legislature he was a member of the Cabinet Office of the Minister of Defense.



Vice President of the National Register of Intelligence Analysts. Former Head of the Training School of the Service for Information and Democratic Security (S.I.S.De.), former Head of the Service's Strategic Analysis Department.


Vittorfranco PISANO

General Secretary of the National Register of Intelligence Analysts. Former Consultant to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism, former Course Reviewer under the U.S. State Department's Counter-Terrorism Assistance Program



National Advisor to the National Register of Intelligence Analysts. Former Director of the Counterproliferation Division and the Counterterrorism Division of the External Intelligence and Security Agency (AISE).



Senior Analyst and professor of International Politics and security of Middle East and Africa - Former professor and coordinator of International Relations in Middle East at the Master in Peacekeeping Management - University of Turin.



Ordinary Magistrate - Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. University Lecturer in Anti-Mafia Law and Legislation. Scientific head of the Plan de Apoyo at ESCA. Coordinator in the Italian-Russian study group for counter-narcotics. Italian delegate to the G20 anti-corruption. Italian delegate to the WGB of the OECD.


Antonello VITALE

General Division (r). Former Chief of Staff of the Agency for Information and External Security (AISE). Directed Operational Departments in the field of "Human Intelligence"; former member of the Strategic Counterterrorism Analysis Committee (CASA). President of the National Register of Intelligence Analysts.



Attorney-at-law before higher courts, bankruptcy trustee, judicial commissioner, sales delegate, and judicial custodian.

Author of various articles published on Rivista 231, she collaborates with the Administrative Gazette of the Italian Republic and with the Quotidiano della Pubblica Amministrazione.


Master developed in collaboration with the National Register of Intelligence Analysts