Expert in Communication Management

1st an 2nd level academic master

The objective of the Master is to provide the candidates with the competencies (namely basic, operational and relational competencies) required for the implementation of the following duties:
a) promoting and coordinating the interpretation of the communication needs of private and public institutions;
b) contributing to the definition and planning of communication projects;
c) supporting company policies aimed at the optimization of the activity carried out by the human resources operating in said structures and companies;
d) coordinating the implemetation of services and initiatives in the area of communication.

The Master aims to strengthen the competencies of students aspiring to management, organization and responsibility roles, both in relation to the arrangement  of communication events (on the side of the organizing bodies) and the participation to the selfesame (on the side of the potential target companies/institutions).

Bachelor's Degree (for the 1st level master), Master's Degree or Specialist Degree (for the 2nd level Master) attained in one of the following faculties: Law, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and Social Science, Education Science, Communication Science, Literature and Phylosophy.

The master has a duration of one year, for a total of 1.500 hours.
The implementation modality is full online on the e-learning platform of the University, accessible 24 hours a day.
The written examinations shall be carried out in the following branches of the University: Novedrate (also oral exams), Rome, Palermo, Naples, Bari and Padua;  the Final Dissertation shall be discussed at one of the branches of the University.