Labour Market and Disability: The Disability Job Supporter (DJS)
2° edition
Director: Dott. Marino Bottà
Coordinator: Prof. Venusia Covelli
The master was developed in collaboration with Andel, a NON-PROFIT agency for the placement of persons with disabilities.

Start Date: Autumn 2023 subject to a minimum number of 20 candidates
Currently, the disability job placement services needs the Disability Job Supporters, professional figures capable of managing the entire job inclusion process. An operator who takes charge of looking after the disabled person at a young age (during the last year of schooling) or in adulthood, and follows him or her during the job placement period. So after drawing up report on the acquired skills, calculating the intensity of help and distance from the labor market, the Disability Job Supporter orients the disabled person, searches for a work context, and takes actions aimed at training, tutoring and monitoring the supervised subject. The Disability Job Supporter offers support and advice to families, schools, and companies during the entirety of the process of developing the project of accompaniment to work. In particular, for public and private companies, preparing the individualized project of fulfillment of obligations and activating the procedures and fulfillments required by the regulations on the placement of disabled people.
This course is characterised by a remarkable uniqueness in the panorama of the national educational offer and for a wide range of career opportunities.
This professional figure, possessing a comprehensive background on disability, the market and the world of work will be responsible for:
- job orientation for students with disabilities,
- job orientation for the unemployed and unemployable,
- job accompaniment for people with disabilities,
- consultation for companies for the fulfillment of obligations under Lg 68/99,
- management of the procedures required for the fulfillment of obligations,
- management of relations with the relevant provincial services and with public, private and social services,
- support to companies in the management of all the issues related to disability.
Anyone who wishes to become part of the job placement system. The candidates will acquire the skills requested to become a professional figure with a broad background, able to act effectively throughout the entire process of employment inclusion for people with disabilities.
Degree attained before the issuance of DM 509/99, or 1st Level Degree, attained in accordance with DM 270/04 in any discipline, or equivalent academic title
The Master's program, provided in blended mode, consists of 1 macro-module, providing 33 CFU implemented in e-learning modality, 16 CFU implemented as video lessons and webinars, 3 CFU implemented as seminars and laboratories and 4 CFU implemented as internships/project works. Scheduled lectures and seminars will start according to the enclosed schedule subject to a minimum number of 10 participants.
The webinars are taught by Dott. Marino Bottà who has been involved in training and placement of disabled people and vulnerable groups in the labour market since 1971. In 1991 he established the Vulnerable Groups Service for the Municipality of Lecco, and for all the Municipalities of the province of Lecco. In January 2000 he created the Placement Office for the Disabled and Vulnerable of the Province of Lecco, where he operated until 2015. Between 2015 and 2020, he worked as a manager in the Disability Area at an Employment Agency. In April 2021, in cooperation with a parent member of a disability association, he founded the National Disability and Employment Agency (ANDEL).
As an expert on disability in the labour market for the most vulnerable people, he has promoted and participated as a speaker and lecturer in various conferences and training courses, and has promoted good practices and projects of social relevance (long-distance work relations, social grants, etc.). He has also been active in spreading the culture of inclusion through articles and publications. He is currently training the professional figure of the Disability Job Supporter.

The master has an annual duration, for a total of 1500 hours.
Online lectures are delivered in e-learning mode and can be accessed at any time and from any device (pc, tablet...).
The webinars, on the other hand, follow a schedule that is defined at the beginning of each edition of the Master's program and have a minimum attendance requirement of 80%.
Absences: max 20% of the total duration of the course